National Mental Health Sector November 2023 Communique

National Mental Health Sector Reference Group (NMHSRG) members met on 22 November 2023 via videoconference. This was the NMHSRG’s third meeting for the year. The NMHSRG welcomed Mr Kurt Fearnley AO, National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)Board Chair, to the meeting. NMHSRG Chairperson Ms Corri McKenzie, NDIA Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Service Design and Improvement, and […]

Independent Advisory Council’s Annual Report 2022-23

A graphic that says annual report 2023

The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) has published their Annual Report 2022-23 on the IAC website.It is also available in Easy Read and as an Auslan video translation. About the Annual Report 2022-23 The Annual Report tells you about the advice and work the IAC did during 2022-2023. It highlights the IAC’s achievements for the year, […]

2023-24 Annual Pricing Review consultation papers released.

A graphic showing a piece of accounting paper, a percent sign, glasses and a calculator on a table.

Anyone with an interest in NDIS pricing arrangements and price limits is invited to make asubmission to the Annual Pricing Review (APR) 2023-2024, which is currently underway.The APR determines if any changes are required to the current NDIS pricing arrangements to ensure they:provide value for money for participants.deliver fair and consistent participant sustainable NDIS […]

Assistive technology interventions to support children.

A child using assistive technology in a care centre. She has a virtual reality headset on and is holding a yellow ball in her hands/

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) remains dedicated to providing participants, families, and carers with the latest information to access the support they need. As part of this commitment, the NDIA has released an evidence snapshot focused on the effectiveness of assistive technology interventions for children under 9 years old. This resource highlights the importance […]