The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) has published their Annual Report 2022-23 on the IAC website.
It is also available in Easy Read and as an Auslan video translation.

About the Annual Report 2022-23

The Annual Report tells you about the advice and work the IAC did during 2022-2023. It highlights the IAC’s achievements for the year, and its work to bring the views of people with disability, their families, carers, and sector experts to the heart of the NDIS.

  • IAC’s advice to the NDIA Board
  • IAC’s input and expertise on the NDIA’s co-design work
  • Principal Member and Members’ views about the IAC’s work Milestones and achievements for the year
  • Current IAC members and their experience. These are the members who helped develop.
  • IAC’s advice and are the voice of participants at the highest level.
  • Ways the IAC has worked according to its Operating Model and Work Plan.
  • Ways the IAC has worked to provide transparent and accessible communications.

IAC’s Annual Report helps to maintain the accountability and performance of the IAC’s work.

About the IAC

The IAC’s role, outlined in the NDIS Act 2013, is to give independent advice to the NDIA Board.
IAC advice aims to improve the NDIS, participant experience, and outcomes.

The IAC comprises a Principal Member and no more than 12 other members, who represent a wide range of disability and advocacy sectors, bringing their own lived experience or expertise of disability.

They are the voice of the participants at the highest level, bringing skills, expertise, and knowledge that will help the IAC perform its function.

For more information about the role of the IAC visit the Independent Advisory Council website